Regina Health Center continues to be blessed by generous supporters and friends.
With help from nearly 806 individuals, corporations and foundations, we were able to raise nearly $700,000 in 2019. Your gifts go toward the care of the aging religious, clergy and lay residents who count on your support. Know that you and those listed as deceased are prayed for at daily Mass in the Holy Family Chapel at Regina Health Center.
Thank You 2019 Donors
See the complete list of donors on pages 6-12 in the spring 2020 newsletter.
We thank our many other donors who made thoughtful gifts to Regina Health Center in 2019. Please consider joining one of our Giving Circle Societies in 2020. Please call the mission support and donor relations office at 330.659.5132 if you have any questions. Thank you.

Contact Us
For more information on philanthropic support of Regina Health Center, please contact: